Technical Communication and Rhetoric News

Dorcas Anabire Wins CPTSC Diversity Scholarship

The English Department congratulates Dorcas Anabire, Ph.D. student in Technical Communication and Rhetoric, who was recently awarded the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) 2024 Diversity Scholarship.

Hannah Stevens Awarded SIGDOC Grant

Hannah Stevens, PhD candidate in TCR, was recently honored as a winner of the Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) Career Advancement Research Grant for 2023.

TCR Student of the Year

The USU English Department has named Mersedez Clifford the Technical Communication and Rhetoric Student of the Year for 2022-23.

Chen Chen Named Utah Presidential Leadership Fellow

Assistant Professor of Technical Communication and Rhetoric Chen Chen has been selected to participate in the Utah Presidential Leadership Fellows program for 2023-2024. Previously, Associate Professor Michaelann Nelson was part of the 2022-2023 cohort.

Rebecca Walton Receives Two CCCC Awards

Professor Rebecca Walton is the recipient of two 2023 CCCCs awards in the categories of Best Article on Philosophy or Theory of Technical Scientific Communication with co-author Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq and Best Original Collection of Essays in Technical or...