October 21, 2022
Celina Sevilla Johnson

The English Department would like to recognize Celina Sevilla Johnson as the Technical Communication and Rhetoric Student of the Year.

The TCR faculty noted that she “consistently went above and beyond every expectation in her coursework.” One faculty member offered an instance where Celina went the extra mile in online course discussions. This faculty member explained that instead of simply fulfilling the requirements of the assignment by forming powerful analysis of material, “She also often asked questions or requested additional information. This really pushed our class discussions forward and helped direct me in customizing course content to address student interests.” Celina continued to impressed faculty with her ambitious classwork when she presented “a brilliant analysis of Exxon-Mobil’s unethical written reports of its purported efforts to address climate change.” When her assignments allowed her to study topics of interest, she devoted her energy to important social causes.

Another faculty member said, “Celina is a great choice for this award. Last semester, she wrote her paper on environmental racism and Latinx communities. Her research was profound.”

Celina’s coursework is a small portion of her academic experience. An important role Celina further stepped into in her time at USU is that of a social activist. “Technical Communication and Rhetoric broadened and diversified my interests and passion for the English language,” She says. “During my time in the major, I explored a number of significant topics, including the representation of marginalized groups in literature, inclusive editorial practices, and climate justice in context with environmental crises.” During her junior year, Celina was nominated for a position as a Writing Fellow. In this program she used her writing expertise to help students across campus tailor their essays and approach writing with new eyes. Celina recently accepted a position as a technical and content writer for the Space Dynamics Laboratory. In the future she hopes to work with inspirational companies that have greatly impacted her. About her personal interests and ambitions, Celina remarks, “I enjoy freelance writing and traveling, and I would love to write an online journal devoted to celebrating human expression in all its forms.”