September 8, 2023
Dr. Chen Chen
Dr. Chen Chen

Assistant Professor of Technical Communication and Rhetoric Chen Chen has been selected to participate in the Utah Presidential Leadership Fellows program for 2023-2024. Previously, Associate Professor Michaelann Nelson was part of the 2022-2023 cohort.  

The UPL Fellowship seeks to transform the expectations that surround leaders, leadership, and leadership development across higher education with a specific focus on the challenges associated with leading for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Individuals from four of Utah’s major universities will focus on developing leaders within the humanities and the arts, to create space to differently prepare humanists to take over roles that they historically filled in larger numbers. Although the primary benefits accrue to the program participants, the project’s ultimate success will be in how it shapes the priorities, cultures, budgets, and representation at the institutions where fellows fulfill leadership roles. The program develops leaders who aim to improve campus environments and apply the lessons they learn during the Fellowship to mentor the next generation of leaders. As a USU UPL fellow, Chen will meet with the President once per month, and also with the President's Executive Council (VPs and deans) and the Dean's Council in alternating months. 

Chen states: I’m interested in this fellowship for the opportunities to learn from and with colleagues from the four different institutions about collaborative opportunities that not only can help us better support student growth and institutional strengths but also can develop ways to better engage with the public of Utah and in national and global contexts.” 

“Here’s what I’m most excited about: All four institutions in their missions value community engagement, transformative educational experiences for students, and equity and inclusion. With this group, we can share strategies and build collaborative opportunities and initiatives that can also further enhance these efforts at each of our institutions.”