
What can you do with a degree in history?
The Department of History's mission is to train undergraduates to research, analyze, synthesize and communicate accurate conclusions about change over time by using the historical method, and gaining these skills opens doors to a vast selection of job opportunities. Our alumni are chaplains, legislators, entrepreneurs, professors and so much more. Come see how our degree programs can equip you for an exciting future!


History Tracks

Religious Studies - Major

Build thoughtful understanding of religion and its relationship with culture, individuals and communities. Master critical thinking and effective communication.

Program Highlights

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Get Involved

Interact with other students of history and expand your study through extra-curricular activities.


Gain work experience and network with professionals working in historical fields while receiving credit towards your degree.

Phi Alpha Theta/History Club

Phi Alpha Theta is a national professional society that promotes the study of history through research, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians.

Study Abroad

Learn about history where it happened! Study a huge variety of historical topics in their relevant countries, develop language skills and gain valuable global perspectives.

USU Honors Program

Take advantage of one-on-one mentorship opportunities, participate in social events with other high-achieving students and enhance your time at USU with special housing and registration benefits.

Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.

Helpful Resources