English Graduate Programs

Open doors by pushing your degree beyond undergraduate level.

Dr. Beth Buyserie speaking at commencement 2023


Students in the Master's in English Program at USU specialize in either Literature, Culture, and Composition (LCC) or Creative Writing (CW). USU's program is designed to prepares students to research, write, and teach in professional and academic situations. Graduate students in this program gain experience presenting their work at conferences and submitting it for publication. Courses in the Master’s in English cover a wide range of topics, including fantasy and science fiction by authors of color, film adaptations of literature, and creative nonfiction. Students complete the program with a thesis project based on their research and creative interests. They are advised by a committee comprised of faculty members in the English Department. 

Career Application 

The experience of engaging in graduate-level coursework and then, with the support of faculty, designing, researching, and writing a Master’s Thesis prepares students for career paths from academia to the private sector. Those with an interest in pursuing an academic career will have an advantage when applying to Ph.D. programs in many humanities disciplines, including English, Comparative Literature, American Studies, Rhetoric and Composition, and Technical Communication. In addition, because the master’s program is so invested in the practice of teaching—supporting graduate student instructors with course dedicated to pedagogy and teaching practice—students who serve as graduate instructors will leave qualified to teach at four-year and two-year colleges, as well as seek additional certification to teach in high school. Beyond academia, more and more employers—such as nonprofits, tech companies, and government agencies—claim that their highest priority in hiring is competency in communication and critical thinking, skills master’s students will cultivate in spades.

Program Advisor

Lynne S McNeill

Lynne S McNeill

Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies

+1 435 797 0264
Logan (RWST 301B)

Scholarships & Financial Aid