XVII. The Battle of Actium: The Conclusion of the Game

  1. 31 BCE. At the beginning of 31 BCE, Neptune and the sea-gods open up Actium for a naval battle by blowing on conch shells calling all players (living mortals, imagines and numina) to the proelium ultimum (final battle) at Actium which decide the fate of the Roman world
    1. All players with legiones must participate in the proelium ultimum as active parties or their allies;
    2. Amicitiae ultimae (final alliances) may be formed at this time and players must gather into groups to identify themselves as part of an amicitia ultima;
    3. Imagines and numina may contribute whatever legiones or classes they still have on hand to any party involved in the proelium ultimum.

  2. Properties Used at the Battle of Actium
    1. Before the Battle of Actium, all players including numina will be given a chance to redeem classes and legiones for naves longae (warships; blue dice) which the Fates sell at the price of five classes or five legiones (of any sort) for each navis longa;
      1. No other properties (DenariidosRexpressus cardssuffragia) can be used to purchase naves longae;
    2. Sea-gods have additional naves longae which they may distribute at their discretion to mortal players whose offerings have pleased them.

  3. The Battle of Actium
    1. A party engaged in the proelium ultimum consists of any active player who is in possession of at least one navis longa;
      1. No party may deploy more than 25 naves longae in the proelium ultimum;
    2. Because this conflict takes place at sea, unlike inland battles all parties engage in the proelium ultimum simultaneously and fight each other at the same time;
    3. The proelium ultimum proceeds as follows:
      1. One member of each amicitia ultima represents his/her party and rolls for the other members
        1. Parties may change which member represents them during the battle;
        2. Parties must show publicly how many naves longae they have at any moment;
      2. All party representatives roll one die simultaneously and Neptune announces out loud the number on each die and then proclaims the victor of that concursatio navalis (naval skirmish);
      3. If one representative rolls a number higher than all others, he retains his own navis longa (die) and all other players lose theirs to Neptune;
      4. If two or more players tie for the highest number, they retain their naves longae (dice) and all other players lose theirs to Neptune;
      5. Play continues until only one party is left in possession of a navis longa.

  4. Triumph. The victorious party leads a triumphal procession around the world, ending in Rome. They may shout "Io triumphe!" and sing apotropaic verses, praising and/or abusing their leader
    1. After arriving in Rome, Juppiter bestows on the leader the corona triumphalis (the golden crown of triumph) and the title "Magnus/Magna."

  5. Victory. The victorious party is now in control of Rome. It will gather together and make pronouncements at will, especially as regards the fate of defeated factions.
    1.  It may reorganize the Roman state at will, establishing any type of government (e.g. Republic, Democracy, Empire, Loose Confederation of City-States, Zombie Apocalypse, Thiasos, an Autonomous Collective as part of an Anarcho-syndicalist Commune, etc.);
    2. It may dispose of all parties, including numina, in any of the following ways:
      1. Enslave or kill any survivors;
      2. Assign to any survivors the governance of a region or regions;
      3. Deify and establish the cult of any imago;
      4. Promote or forbid the worship of any numen.