
latin language track
ancient greek track
ancient civilizations track
latin teaching track
Gain inspiration for your own research projects by viewing a collection of undergraduate research undertaken by students in the classics program.
Undergraduate Projects | Get Involved in Classics

Undergraduate Projects

Gain inspiration for your own research projects by viewing a collection of undergraduate research undertaken by students in the classics program.

Ancient Greek
ancient greek track
Complete an entire year of introductory ancient Greek in just seven weeks. This summer intensive course creates a tight nit cohort of students with a passion for ancient greek.
Summer Greek | Get Involved in Classics

Summer Greek

Complete an entire year of introductory ancient Greek in just seven weeks. This summer intensive course creates a tight nit cohort of students with a passion for ancient greek.

ancient civilizations track
latin language track
ancient languages and cultures track
latin teaching track
ancient greek track
This program-wide activity reconnects the USU classics community across generations, paving the way for professional and social networking. Roleplay as Roman senators, gods, generals, and nobles in an exciting game that reenacts history as you attempt to
Ludi Romani

Ludi Romani

This program-wide activity reconnects the USU classics community across generations, paving the way for professional and social networking. Roleplay as Roman senators, gods, generals, and nobles in an exciting game that reenacts history as you attempt to ...

ancient languages and cultures track
Gain inspiration for your own research projects by viewing a collection of undergraduate research undertaken by students in the classics program.
Graduate Student Projects | Get Involved in Classics

Graduate Student Projects

Gain inspiration for your own research projects by viewing a collection of undergraduate research undertaken by students in the classics program.

ancient civilizations track
latin teaching track
latin language track
ancient greek track
The Classics Program at USU announces a new RPG called D.E.S.Troy (Destination: Exterminate or Save Troy), in which students are assigned roles as Greeks or Trojans.
Des-TROY Digital Role Play

Des-TROY Digital Role Play

The Classics Program at USU announces a new RPG called D.E.S.Troy (Destination: Exterminate or Save Troy), in which students are assigned roles as Greeks or Trojans.

latin language track
ancient civilizations track
ancient greek track
latin teaching track
Interact with literature that connects to topics relevant to Greco-Roman literary tradition and uncover the ways that they interact with modern society.
Classics Book Club

Classics Book Club

Interact with literature that connects to topics relevant to Greco-Roman literary tradition and uncover the ways that they interact with modern society.