VI. Motus (Movement)

  1. Types of MotusMortal players may engage in two different types of motus depending on the time of the year, as follows:
    1. Aestas ("Summer"). During an aestas, players who have not been issued a flagitatio or are not involved in a proelium may travel in two ways:
      1. By sea: Mortal players who possess a classis may travel to any region by sea, except Parthia and Germania
        1. Players transporting legiones must have one classis for each legio;
      2. By Land: Mortal players and their properties may move freely between adjacent regions as long as there is seating available (IV.A). If there is no seating in an adjacent provincial/regnum, a player may not move through it unless s/he can travel there by sea.
    2. Motus (Movement). During a motus period, movement is unrestricted and players may move to any region where there is seating available.
      1. Mortal players may take any of their properties with them;
      2. There is no combat permitted during a motus;
    3. Hiems ("Winter"). There is no motus or proelia permitted during a hiems, unless a player has the Ring of Gyges (VII.H)
  2. Apollo/Diana. Apollo/Diana will announce the beginning and end of each motus period.
    1. When Apollo/Diana announce the end of a motus, all mortal players must find an available seat in a provincia/regnum.

  3. Numina. For the most part, numina may move about at will, with the following stipulations:
    1. During an aestas, any number of numina may occupy a provincia/regnum;
    2. During a hiems, all numina (except Venus, Mars/Phobos/Deimos, Mercury, Juventas and Apollo/Diana) must choose a provincia/regnum to inhabit where there is seating available and remain there until the next motus; more than one numen may inhabit a provincia/regnum during a hiems if seating is available
      1. Venus and Mars/Phobos/Deimos must inhabit Rome during each hiems;
      2. Mercury may never establish a lengthy residence in any particular region during any season.

  4. Sedes (Seating). For any player (including numina during a hiems) to enter and establish residence in a provincia/regnum, there must be seating available
    1. In the event of conflicts over available seating, numina have priority over mortals;
      1. However, no numen except Minerva may forcibly unseat any player already situated in a provincia/regnum;
      2. Minerva may at her own discretion transfer one player to a new region once each aestas;
      3. Vestal Virgins may displace any mortal player residing in Rome or a provincia;
    2. If two or more mortal players simultaneously claim the last available seat in a provincia/regnum, Minerva will decide which player remains;
    3. Saturn and Ops monitor and enforce seating restrictions, especially during a hiems.
      1. If Saturn/Ops discover a provincia with too many inhabitants (including numina), they may forcibly remove any player who exceeds a sedes limit and may confiscate 1,000,000 D or one legio from any player (including a numen) who has exceeded a sedes limit.

  5. Neptune/Amphitrite/Oceanus. Neptune and his fellow sea-deities oversee maritime travel.
    1. If a player traveling across the sea is confronted by a sea deity, the player must show the god his classis/es;
    2. If a player who possesses no classis attempts to move by sea and is apprehended by a sea deity, the god may, according to his (dis)pleasure, confiscate the player's legiones and Denarii and relocate the player anywhere where the seating is available (except Parthia or Germania) or may pronounce him dead;
    3. If the player does not have sufficient classes to transport the number of legiones in his/her possession (VI.A.1.a), those legiones for which there are not classes become the sea deity's property.

  6. Reges. The movements of reges are like those of other mortal players, except for the following:
    1. Fuga. Once during the Game, any foreign rex except Cleopatra/Ptolemy may return at will to the throne of his/her homeland even during a proelium
      1. Fleeing reges must present a special Rexpressus platinum card (included among the properties they receive at the beginning of the Game) to any deity who agrees to escort them to their homeland; the deity will then retain the card until the end of the Game and it cannot be re-used;
      2. Reges in fuga may take with them all the properties in their possession;
    2. Upon pain of death, a rex may not enter Rome without a Roman senator or imperator as protective escort;
      1. His escort may not abandon him in Rome;
      2. Reges discovered in Rome without Roman escort are subject to the will of Venus/Aphrodite who may summarily execute or expel them.

  7. Mercury. Mercury may rescue one player each aestas, taking that player from one region to another in which there is seating available and to which the player wishes to go.
    1. The player wishing to be rescued must invoke Mercury by pleading, who may choose to ignore the player's pleas;
    2. Rescue by Mercury immediately ends all activities in progress, including proelia.