III. Cast of Players

  1. Imperatores (Generals). Imperatores begin the Game in the locations cited below.
    Name Location Financial Political Military
    - - D = Denarii (Money) Suffragia (Votes) Cur = Legio Curialis
    Cle = Legio Clientarum Classis/es (Fleet/s)
    Gaius Octavius Caesar (Octavian) N. Italy 600,000 D 10 Suffragia 2 Cur; 1 Classis
    Marcus Antonius (Antony) Asia Minor 1,000,000 D 10 Suffragia 4 Cur
    Marcus Aemilius Lepidus Spain 900,000 D 10 Suffragia 3 Cur
    Marcus Junius Brutus Greece 900,000 D 10 Suffragia 2 Cur; 1 Classis
    Gaius Cassius Longinus Greece 600,000 D 10 Suffragia 3 Cur
    Sextus Pompey Magnus Pius Sicily 800,000 D 10 Suffragia 3 Cur;
    Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa N. Italy None 10 Suffragia 3 Cur; 1 Classis
  2. Senatores(Senators). Senatores begin the Game in whatever region they wish where there is seating available; a senator may become an imperator by acquiring a legio.
    Name Financial Political Military
    - D = Denarii (Money) Suffragia (Votes) Cur = Legio Curialis
    Cle = Legio Clientarum Classis/es (Fleet/s)
    Marcus Tullius Cicero 1,200,000 D 80 Suffragia  
    Aulus Hirtius 900,000 D 10 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Gaius Vibius Pansa 800,000 D 20 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Decimus Brutus 1,700,000 D 30 Suffragia  
    Publius Ventidius 1,800,000 D 30 Suffragia  
    Lucius Munatius Plancus 1,600,000 D 40 Suffragia  
    Asinius Pollio 600,000 D 40 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Servilius Isauricus 1,400,000 D 60 Suffragia  
    Lucius Marcius Philippus 700,000 D 30 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus 1,700,000 D 30 Suffragia  
    Quintus Fufius Calenus 1,500,000 D 50 Suffragia  
    Lucius Antonius 1,500,000 D 50 Suffragia  
    Lucius Cornelius Balbus 1,100,000 D 20 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Gaius Maecenas 1,400,000 D 60 Suffragia  
    Quintus Salvidienus Rufus 1,700,000 D 30 Suffragia  
    Publius Cornelius Dolabella 800,000 D 20 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Marcus Lucius Crassus 1,900,000 D 10 Suffragia  
    Quintus Pedius 800,000 D 20 Suffragia 1 Classis
    Marcus Messala Corvinus 1,500,000 D 50 Suffragia  
  3. Virgines/Matronae/Amazones (Vestal Virgins/Matrons/Women Warriors). Mortal women start the Game as virgines. If they marry, they become matronae. If a matrona divorces her husband or he dies, she may remarry or become an amazon. An amazon is a female imperator subject to all the rules and rights of imperatoresVirgines and matronae cannot possess suffragia or participate in proelia (VII.B); amazones can. Virgines and matronae can, however, be killed through caedes (VIII.C.4). Virgines begin the Game in Rome.
    Name Financial Dos (Dowry)
    - D = Denarii (Money) D = Denarii (Money)
    Servilia Caepionis 2,000,000 D 1,000,000 D
    Livia Drusilla 1,000,000 D 2,000,000 D
    Atia Balba Caesonia 1,500,000 D 1,500,000 D
    Octavia Thurina None 3,000,000 D
    Scribonia 500,000 D 2,500,000 D
    Antonia 2,500,000 D 500,000 D
    Calpurnia Pisonis 1,000,000 D 2,000,000 D
  4. Reges (Foreign Rules). Reges begin the Game in their respective kingdoms; all reges except Cleopatra/Ptolemy have the right to flee once during the Game to their homeland from wherever they are (VI.F.1).
    Name Location Financial Military
    - - D = Denarii (Money) Cle = Legio Clientarum; Classis (Fleet)
    Cleopatra/Ptolemy Egypt 100,000 D 2 Cle; 2 Classes
    Bogud Mauretiania 1,000,000 D 4 Cle
    Ariovistus Germany None 6 Cle
    Pacorus Parthia 2,000,000 D 3 Cle
  5. Numina (Deities). Numina begin the Game in whatever region they wish where there is seating available. All numina (except Mercury, Juventas or Cybele) may oversee proelia during which they may acquire legiones; if so, they may dispose of these legiones at will, i.e. confer them upon or sell them to players who have enough money to purchase them; if a mortal player with sufficient funds and the right to own legiones curiales or legiones clientarum asks to buy a saleable property that a numen has in his/her possession, the numen must sell it. [Names in square brackets next to numina represent divine gemini and have the same powers as their counterparts. These are to be used only after all primary numina roles (i.e. unbracketed names) have been filed.]
    Name Properties Special Powers
    Juppiter Optimus Maximus1 20 Cur; 14,000,000 D May take on the appearance and power of any numen except Juno and the Fates; dispenses justice and rules on disputes among players; sells legionum curiales (XIII.C.1)
    Juno 15 Cur; 13,000,000 D Oversees the formation and observance of amicitiae (XI) and nuptiae (XV); once each aestas may force two players in the same region to fight each other (VII.F); sells legionum curiales (XIII.C.1)
    Neptune [Poseidon] 10 Classes; 2,500,000 D; 10 NL Oversees sea travel (VI.E) and the Battle of Actium (XVII); sells classes (XIII.D) and bestows naves longae (XVII.B.2)
    Amphitrite 5 Classes; 1,500,000 D; 5 NL Oversees sea travel in the western Mediterranean (VI.E) and assists Neptune at the Battle of Actium (XVII); sells classes (XIII.D) and bestows naves longae (XVII.B.2)
    Oceanus 5 Classes; 1,500,000 D; 5 NL Oversees sea travel in the eastern Mediterranean (VI.E) and assists Neptune at the Battle of Actium (XVII); sells classes (XIII.D) and bestows naves longae (XVII.B.2)
    Venus [Aphrodite] 4,000,000 D Oversees voting and legislative activity in the Senate (VIII); must remain in Rome for the entirety of each hiems
    Mars2 legio ultrix immortalis During an aestas, engages in and encourages proelia (VII.E); must be in Rome each hiems to excecute the Senate's will concerning imperiumproscriptiones and caedes (VIII.C)
    Phobos2 cohors ultrix immortalis During an aestas, engages in and encourages proelia among legiones clientarum (VII.E); must be in Rome each hiems to assist Mars in executing the Senate's will concerning imperium, proscriptiones and caedes (VIII.C)
    Deimos2 cohors ultrix immortalis During an aestas, engages in and encourages proelia among legiones curiales (VII.E); must be in Rome each hiems to assist Mars in executing the Senate's will concerning imperium, proscriptiones and caedes (VIII.C)
    Bellona cohors ultrix immortalis During an aestas, engages in and encourages proelia (VII.E) in the western Roman world (Mauretania, Spain, Gaul, Germania, S. Italy, N. Italy, Sicily)
    Ares cohors ultrix immortalis During an aestas, engages in and encourages proelia (VII.E) in the eastern Roman world (Greece, Asia, Parthia, Syria, Egypt)
    Saturn/Ops 7,000,000 D During an aestas, monitors and enforces sedes (IV.A; VI.D.3.b)
    Fortunus/Fortuna/Tyche rota fortunae During proelia (VII.K), may add to or subtract from the total on a player's roll of the dice
    Vulcan [Hephaestus] legio fabrilis; 5 Cur; 5,000,000 D Bestows the legio fabrilis on a mortal in combat during aestas (VII.J); sells legiones curiales (XIII.C.1)
    Vesta 14 virus; 10 Cur Oversees Vestal Virgins (XII.A), virus (XV.A.1.c) and the execution of wills (XIV.B.2)
    Persephone 9,000,000 D Oversees mors (XIV.A-C; controls the Ring of Gyges (VII.H)
    Pluto 10,000,000 D Oversees mors (XIV.A-C; controls the Ring of Gyges (VII.H)
    Minerva [Athena] 15 Cur; 10,000,000 D Can move one player once each aestas to any region in which there is seating available (VI.D); sells legiones curiales (XIII.C.1)
    Mercury3 [Hermes]
      Delivers messages (X); is unrestricted in movement; may not own or sell properties or oversee proelia; may rescue one player each aestas (VI.G)
    Juventas/Cupid3   Restores youth and vigor to chosen mortals; may give mortals properties or Denarii which she has requested and procured from other numina (XIII.F)
    Dionysus2 [Bacchus] 10 Cle; 4,000,000 D May have bacchants (X) who fight in his behalf
    Silenus2 Cle; 2,000,000 D Assists Dionysus with his thiasos by watching over his bacchants in his absence (X)
    Ariadne2 Cle; 2,000,000 D Assists Dionysus with his thiasos by watching over his bacchants in his absence (X)
    Tanit 10 Cle; 7,500,000 D Foreign deity; sells legiones clientarum (XIII.C.2)
    Apollo/Helios3 10 Cur Oversees and announces changes of season (V and VI.B; also Appendix 1); is in charge of executing pestis (XVI); sells legiones curiales (XIII.C.1)
    Diana3 [Artemis] 10 Cur

    oversees the manus liberorum (“band of children”) who assist or attack other players; sells legiones curiales (XIII.C.1)

    Cybele 5,000,000 D

    Foreign deity; protects provinciae/regna; no proelia, including those in progress, may occur in her presence (VII.G)

    Isis 10 Cle; 7,500,000 D

    Foreign deity; sells legiones clientarum (XIII.C.2)

    Mithras 10 Cle; 7,500,000 D

    Foreign deity; sells legiones clientarum (XIII.C.2)

    Tyr/Wotan/Montu/Ishtar2 15 Cle

    Foreign deity; sells legiones clientarum (XIII.C.2); may participate in proelia (VII.I)

    Pazuzu 15 Cle

    Foreign deity; may possess a living mortal character for one season and controls that character’s choices and actions (VII.L); (sells legiones clientarum (XIII.C.2); may participate in proelia (VII.I)

    Pan 15 Cle

    Foreign deity; may cause panic and force the winning side to flee the provincia in which a proelium is taking place and leave one or more legiones (at Pan’s discretion) behind for the enemy to capture

    Pythia (Delphi) / Sibyl (Cumae) 10 Cur

    issues prophecies and answers mortals’ questions about the Game; allots coronae aureae (III.F)

    Fata (The Fates)4  

    Enforce the rules of the Game and regulate disputes; provide change for larger denominations of Denarii when necessary; execute virus (XII.B.2); may double or triple tributum (IX.C)

    1. In the event that a numen should fail to appear, Juppiter may allot to another numen (or other numina) the properties and special powers assigned to that numen;
    2. Tyr/Wotan/Montu/Ishtar (VII.I) and Mars/Phobos/Deimos/Bellona/Ares (VII.E) are the only gods who can engage in proelia on their own; Dionysus/Silenus/Ariadne can fight only through their maenads (X);
    3. Mercury, Juventas and Apollo/Diana can move at will throughout the Game; if Mercury or Juventas ends up in the possession of any properties, s/he must turn them over to the Fates;
    4. The Fates may operate collectively or individually; if they operate individually and a disagreement arises or if there is no Fate available, the judgment of Juppiter will prevail; in addition to providing change and overseeing virus (XII.B.2), the Fates are responsible for the following:
      1. Answering any questions about the rules and procedures of the Game as recorded here; when asked for their judgment, the Fates must follow the rules exactly as stated here;
      2. If the rules of the Game are unclear, the Fates may consult with Juppiter or make their own judgment by which all the gods (including Juppiter) must abide;
      3. At will, the Fates may encourage or force players to engage in games of chance of their choosing; the odds and stakes are up to them.

  6. Imagines. See below, XIV. 

  7. Heroes. Mortal players who are graduate students may appeal to the Fates for a corona aurea which provides them the right to appeal to any numen to become that numen’s hero. If chosen, the hero may appeal to the numen for resources in the numen’s possession. In return for such favors, the hero must obey any order the numen gives which does not exceed that numen’s powers. Heroes may then make alliances with mortal players and fight alongside them. In that case, the hero and mortal roll their dice at the same time and the total of their two throws counts together against their opponent’s single throw in each concursatio of a proelium. A hero may fight alongside only one mortal at a time.

  8. Maiores. See below, XIV E.
  9. Liberi. Players under the age of 13 may join the Game as liberi (“children”) who roam at will under the tutelage of Artemis/Diana, the protectress of the young. Liberi may influence play by assisting or attacking other players. They must follow the rules of combat like any other mortal, but they do not die if left unprotected.