XI. Triumviri (Groups of Three Friends)

  1. Triumviri (Groups of Three Friends). Three players may form a triumvirate (a formal friendship or alliance with one another)
    1. A triumvirate may involve any number of players who meet in a region and agree upon the terms of the collaboration;
    2. Each triumvir in the triumvirate may or may not make a formal declaration of amicitia ("friendship") before Juno, binding the triumvirate with a divine oath
      1. players whose triumvirates have been blessed by Juno may engage together as a group in proelia (VII.B.2.b);
      2. Juno bestows coronae pictae (colored headbands) of the same color to the three triumviri to identify them as belonging to a triumvirate;
    3. Triumviri may offer something for the general benefit of the triumvirate, including suffragiaclasseslegiones and Denarii
      1. because each player in a triumvirate is subject to a ten-legio limit individually (II.A.4), each triumvirate may collectively possess up to thirty legiones at most.

  2. The Dissolution of a Triumvirate:
    1.  If a triumvirate dissolves, they return their coronae pictae to Juno, and the ownership of the properties which the triumviri handed over in the course of forming or maintaining their amicitia is determined as follows:
      1. A triumvir may request the return of his suffragia at any time from Mercury or any numen not engaged in a proelium who must immediately seek out the triumvir who has them and must deliver them back to the original owner;
      2. A triumvir may request the return of his classes if he is in the same region with the player in possession of those classes who must return them upon request.
      3. A triumvir may request the return of his Denarii and legiones if he is in the same region with the player who is in possession of those Denarii and legiones; that player may or may not choose to return them;
      4. Other numina besides Mercury may or may not help in the return of classesDenarii and legiones;
    2. The betrayal of a triumvir may incur not only the displeasure of those betrayed but also that of Juno who may choose to express her displeasure with that player in public, especially to other numina including the Fates and her husband Juppiter, if any of them is willing to listen to her.