XIII. Mercatus (Trading): Commutatio and Emptio

  1.  Types of MercatusThere are two (2) types of mercatus:
    1. Commutatio: bartering between players;
    2. Emptio: buying legiones/classes.

  2. Commutatio (Bartering): Foreign numina (Tyr, Wotan, Isis, Mithras, Tanit, Ishtar, Cybele, Ares) oversee commutationes and may witness or formalize the exchange
    1. The terms of commutationes are up to the individual players;
    2. Items which may be bartered:
      1. Players may freely trade legiones clientarum and classes at any time;
      2. Players, however, may not trade or sell legiones curiales or suffragia;
    3. All players engaged in commutationes must be present in the same region.
  3. Emptio Legionum (Purchasing Legions): Designated numina oversee emptio legionum, as follows:
    1. Legiones curiales. Only certain Olympian gods may sell legiones curiales (Juppiter, Juno, Minerva, Apollo, Diana, Vesta, Vulcan) at the designated cost (200,000 D);
    2. Legiones clientarum. Only certain foreign numina may sell legiones clientarum (Tyr, Wotan, Isis, Mithras, Tanit, Ares, Dionysus, Ariadne, Silenus, Monut, Ishtar) at the designated cost (400,000 D).
  4. Emptio Classium (Purchasing Fleets): Sea-gods (Neptune/Amphitrite/Oceanus) sell classesclasses may not be bartered, bought or sold in Parthia or Germania.

  5. The Nature of Emptio.
    1. Any numen in possession of any saleable property must sell it to any mortal player who has sufficient funds and is permitted to buy that property;
    2. Numina may not purchase properties from other numina, including the Fates; the only way for numina to come into possession of legiones is to win them during a proelium (VII.D.3), capture them at sea (VI.E), or confiscate them (II.A.4.a);
    3. Players may purchase saleable properties at any time except during a proelium, i.e. from the issuing of a flagitatio until the proelium is concluded (VII.C)
    4. Players may determine the availability of properties by any means of communication (X).

  6. Juventas. Juventas restores youth and vigor to chosen mortals. She may give mortals properties or Denarii which she has requested and procured from numina.