XIV. Mors (Death)

  1. Mors Fit (Death Happens). Players die under the following circumstances:
    1. The Senate issues a proscriptio against a player and the proscribed player is in Rome or is found in Rome at any point and turned over to Venus or Mars (VIII.C.2)'
    2. A player is assassinated by the Senate and the order of assassination (caedes) is carried out by Mars/Phobos/Deimos (VIII.C.4);
    3. numen discovers a rex in Rome without Roman escort and decides to execute him (VI.F.2);
    4. The loser in a proelium loses all of his legiones, leaving him "unprotected," and the winning imperator/rex chooses to execute him (VII.D.7.b);
    5. Any imperator/rex comes into contact with an "unprotected" player outside of Rome and chooses to execute him;
    6. A player chooses to commit suicide by appealing to Persephone/Pluto for release from life
      1. Persephone/Pluto may accept or refuse the player's plea;
      2. if s/he accepts the plea, s/he may dispose of any of the player's property at will, abrogating that player's right to choose a heres (XIV.B)
    7. A husband who is being divorced by his wife does not have sufficient properties to repay the value of his wife's dos and Juno decides to kill him (XV.C.2.c).
    8. A player chooses the virus card (XII.B.2).

  2. Heredes (Heirs). Upon death, players may will any transferrable property in their possession to a heres, as long as Vesta and Vestal Virgins approve (XII.A.1)
    1. Transferrable properties include legiones clientarumDenariiclasses and suffragia, but not legiones curiales which become the property of Venus or dos which becomes the property of Juno;
    2. Vesta and the Vestal Virgins oversee the execution of the dead player's will (XII)
      1. In any dispute over inheritance the Vestal Virgins meet in conference in Rome with Vesta presiding and vote as to how the inheritance will proceed
        1. The Vestals must come when called, and if there is not enough seating in Rome, they must displace mortal players residing there;
      2. Deceased husbands may will their suffragia to any senator/imperator/amazon they choose.

  3. Becoming an Imago (Ghost). Once a player dies, s/he becomes an imago (ghost), in the following way:
    1. The dead player must invoke Persephone/Pluto through lamentation to meet him/her in Cumae (Southern Italy) or Taenarum (Greece) and be accepted into the company of the dead as an imago;
    2. When Persephone/Pluto appears, s/he bestows two things upon all imagines waiting at that entrance to the Underworld:
      1. The corona caliginis (the garland of invisibility);
      2. legio ultrix (black die);
    3. If an imago returns to life (XIV.E), his/her legio ultrix is returned to the death god who bestowed it originally.

  4. The Nature and Function of Imagines
    1. Imagines may move anywhere at any time at will, in spite of sedes;
    2. Any imago may attach itself to any one player engaged in a proelium or collecting tributum and affect play under the following conditions:
      1. Aestas. After parties engaged in a proelium have each rolled a die against each other in a concursatio, an imago may temporarily halt the proceedings and roll its die (legio ultrix) and add the number of that roll to the total of either player, thus affecting the outcome of that concursatio
        1. An imago may affect the outcome of only one concursatio per proelium;
      2. Hiems. An imago may attach itself to a player collecting tributum and appropriate 100,000 D out of the total being dispensed, even if 100,000 D constitutes the entirety of the tributum (IX); multiple imagines may each take a full 100,000 D from each tributum being dispensed
        1. An imago must be present at the very moment that the tributum is being dispensed and declare its attachment to the player in the presence of the numen distributing the tributum;
        2. If there is not enough tributum to go around to all the imagines attached to a player claiming tributum, the player will decide which imago/imagines receive what portion of the tributum being dispensed; the player may not keep any portion of the tributum;
        3. A player may delay the collection of the tributum until the imago has drifted away or is not paying attention, for as long as the hiems lasts; if the hiems ends before the dispensing of the tributum, the numen is not obliged to dispense any tributum;
        4. An imago may retain or dispense at will all Denarii accrued.

  5. Maiores (Ancestors) Majores follow the same rules as imagines but they begin the Game as ghosts
    1. a maior may adopt at will the name of a Roman who died before the summer of 44 BCE – e.g. Julius Caesar, Cincinnatus, Cato the Elder, Scipio Africanus, Titus Maccius Plautus – and in that case must follow the proclivities and loyalties of that particular Roman ancestor.