Make it or Break It Fund
The College of Humanities and Social Science knows that our students often face financial difficulties on the road to graduation. This is why we created the Make It or Break It Fund with support from the CHaSS Dean’s Development Board. The fund provides money during emergencies so that students can stay in school.
Designed to help with those little expenses that get in the way of the bigger picture, the Make It or Break It Fund is open to any CHaSS student needing financial assistance to make it to the finish line.
- Examples include funding that last class or purchasing books
- Open to undergraduate and graduate students experiencing financial hardship
- Applicants must be majoring in a program within CHaSS
- Preference is given to juniors and seniors
- No set GPA guidelines
- Evaluated on a case-by-case basis
Want to help a student in need?
Support This Fund
“With real-world problems constantly encroaching on student life, your donation gives me the peace of mind to focus on what I love.”
“This money is sincerely lifting a massive weight and anxiety that I have been carrying so far this semester.”