CHaSS Research

CHaSS faculty and students are engaged in cutting-edge research and creative projects that extend into every aspect of our modern world.

Magnifying Glass

Research Resources

Money Bag

CHaSS Funding Opportunities


Proposal Development Support

CHaSS Research Support & Priorities
CHaSS provides research support to faculty through:
  • internal grant funding
  • assistance with external grant development
  • support for collaboration with faculty and student researchers across departments, colleges, and universities
  • events that recognize the research excellence of our faculty and students

CHaSS Research Impact
Through their scholarship, mentorship of students, and engagement with the community, CHaSS faculty:
  • Create understanding of the human experience across region, culture, time, and place
  • Develop solutions for some of society’s most pressing challenges
  • Affect change in meaningful ways

Faculty Research

Faculty in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences participate in impactful and award-winning research focused on the very things that make us human: language, history, education, religion, security, health, governance, and culture. CHaSS faculty work to addresses complex social issues, encourage diversity of thought, and reflect on past, present, and future challenges facing humanity. Their research impacts communities by encouraging students to discover what excites them and engaging society in meaningful dialogue and action. 

Student Research

Students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences are uniquely positioned to participate in active research. Undergraduate and graduate students alike enjoy opportunities to collect data, synthesize information, and to present their findings at conferences or for publication. Students acquire transferable skills as they curate exhibits, assist diverse communities, explore past civilizations, predict future conflict, and develop problem-solving strategies to respond to a dynamic future and prepare for changes taking place in the world and the workplace.

Community-Engaged Research

Faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences are engaged in research-related activities with community groups in Cache Valley and the region. Through these activities, faculty make meaningful contributions to local Utahans’ lives. Students gain real-world experience working with organizations in areas aligned with their majors, minors, and interests. Community-engaged research can be individual, group-based, or connected to courses that have sincere community contribution.

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Associate Dean for Research

Grant Proposal Development Support Specialist

Barbara Warnes

Barbara Warnes

Grant Proposal Development Specialist

+1 435 797 0299
Logan (MAIN 224B)

Grant Proposal Support - Schedule
My regular work hours are Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

I will be out of the office on leave April 8 - April 22. If you are considering a grant application, please plan ahead and coordinate with me so you have the support you need during these times. Thank you.