Aggies GO

Please note: Aggies GO is currently inactive, but all content remains accessible.

Welcome to Aggies Geopolitical Observatory

A toolkit of a few simple ideas to help you make sense of global politics

Welcome to Aggies Geopolitical Observatory, or Aggies GO. We live in a very complicated world, things are changing quickly, some events can seem very scary, and it can all be overwhelming. Aggies GO is here to help. We will use a toolkit of a few simple ideas to help you make sense of global politics. We want you to be able to understand and interpret current events. Each week we will post new ways to think about global politics you are reading about in the newspapers and websites, or seeing on the TV. While we won’t describe the event in detail (we are guessing that you are already following the news) we will try to help you make sense of the stories.

Who are we? The Aggies GO team is made up of USU undergraduate students under the supervision of Professor Colin Flint. The students are interested in different parts of the world and different types of politics. A fuller discussion of all the ideas we use can be found in Professor Flint’s book, Introduction to Geopolitics (4th edition. Routledge. 2022).

Aggies Geopolitical Observatory is a service of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of Utah State University. We believe in the land grant mission of the university. We want to use the things we talk about on campus to help you make sense of global politics. 

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Aggies GO Articles

No more hotels in Amsterdam

Carilyn Pointer – A new ban on hotels has been placed in Amsterdam to limit the growing tourist industry and protect the place where many people live and work.