
Part of the Department of Communication Studies & Philosophy

Thinking through problems, with friends

The philosophy program trains students to think through difficult questions and dilemmas, and to discover for themselves principles by which to live. Every class requires students to grapple with big questions and listen carefully to one other's views, and then develop their own ideas in carefully constructed papers. The program is designed to meet students' interests and cultivate their analytical skills. Students can expect to take full advantage of individual faculty mentoring while taking part in undergraduate research projects that mean the world to them.

Philosophy Degrees

Philosophy - Major, Minor

Master skills of critical thinking and clear writing while learning how to understand different perspectives. Develop effective communication skills, solve problems, and dive into the human condition.

Program Highlights

Rachel Robison and students after the Ethics Bowl
Posted March 8, 2023: Update on Ethics Bowl Team Nationals Performance! They won the Ladenson Spirit of the Ethics Bowl which is given each year to the team that best exemplifies the values of the bowl: respect, civility, and dedication to productive inquiry. This is considered among members of the community to be a huge honor. Go Aggies!


Get Involved

Socialize with others interested in philosophy, ask hard questions and gain important perspectives in these extra-curricular activities. 

Ethics Bowl

Practice effective communication, socialize with like-minded students and debate ethical dilemmas in competitions.

Ethics Slam

An open-mic discussion series about ethical dilemmas, from robotics to shaming to free speech and the internet.

Philosophy Club

In the spirit of Plato's Academy, participate in a forum for the discussion of all issues in the domain of philosophy.

Scholarships & Financial Aid