Voices of USU

Voices of USU: An Anthology of Student Essays

Each year, the Voices of USU program invites English 1010 and 2010 students to submit the essays they write in their classes for publication. The essays that are selected are published in the annual edition of Voices of USU: An Anthology of Student Writing, a textbook used in many English 1010 and 2010 courses.

How to Get Published

Voices publishes writers who discuss creative, innovative, unique, and relevant ideas in a variety of genres aimed toward specific audiences. We look for original perspective and insight, presented from a unique angle with a strong personal connection. Submit an essay(s) completed in English 1010 or 2010 by the end of the semester. If you would like to contribute your voice to this anthology, submit one (or more) of the essays you produce in English 1010 or 2010.

Dates and Deadlines:

Fall semester: December 31
Spring semester: May 15