USU Honors Program

Honors Program LogoUtah State University Honors Program

The University Honors Program is home to a community of Aggies who accept the poet Horace’s ancient challenge: "Sapere Aude"—or "Dare to Know." Honors brings together a diverse group of curious, brave, creative, and engaged students who want to put their learning into practice and prepare for the future as they earn a USU degree. Honors students think critically and ask questions, find and share answers, take intellectual risks in a safe community of peers and faculty, and engage with their communities. Our students are committed to building a life-changing experience for themselves and others: they want to—and will—change the world.

For details on USU Honors requirements, visit the USU Honors website.

Faculty Advisors

Travis Franks

Travis Franks

Assistant Professor

Logan (RWST 204F)