English and TCR Majors: Apply for the Student Opportunity Award!

This scholarship supports English and TCR majors who are planning to further their educational development and employability through opportunities outside the classroom.  The award will defray the costs of experiences such as study abroad, travel for research orAirplane at sunsetto conferences, unpaid internship costs (travel, housing, business attire), etc.

The amount of the scholarship will range between $1000.00 and $5000.00 depending on applications and annual funding. 

The funds can be used for travel for opportunities such as
  • study abroad
  • internships
  • research or creative activity conducted as part of an independent study with an English department faculty mentor
  • professional activity disseminating research or creative work conducted with an English department faculty mentor

Applications and Eligibility

  • Applications for this award are due Monday, December 4th. Students do not need to have been accepted for their proposed opportunity before the application date.  Students will be notified of awards by December 18th
  • To be eligible, students must be English or TCR majors, and must have applied for financial aid through USU’s Scholarship Office.
  • Application materials include:
    • A 250-word essay outlining the opportunity and how it will benefit the student’s educational and/or professional goals.
    • A budget for the opportunity, including a brief narrative explaining financial need.
    • A letter of support from an English Department faculty mentor.
    • A résumé.