Citizen Scholar Conference

Each semester, Voices of USU invites English 2010 students to present at the Citizen Scholar Conference (CSC).

CSC, like other academic conferences, offers students the opportunity to present innovative and creative ideas with a specific audience in mind. Our goal is to celebrate the writing, thinking, and scholarship done in English 2010 classes.

English 2010 students may submit an abstract for either a poster presentation or an oral presentation on any project they work on in English 2010. Presentations may be research-based, persuasive, or creative.

Spring 2024 Dates

  • Call for Abstracts, March 4 - 29: English 2010 students who would like to present at the conference may submit a 100-150-word abstract
  • Presenters Invited, April 3: Students whose abstracts were accepted will receive an invitation to present at one of the sessions
  • Sessions Announced, April 9: The conference schedule will be announced
  • Citizen Scholar Conference, April 18: The conference will be held in the library, rooms 101 and 154, with concurrent sessions at 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, and 1:30