J. Ratcliff Prize for Graduate Studies


Funding Award Details

  • How Much: Up to $1,000 per award
  • For Whom: Graduate students who are doing innovative or creative work that is distinctive for their field and that connects to the American West (broadly defined)
  • What Work Counts: Grad student work could include, but is not limited to, an academic paper, thesis, short story, poetry, digital creation, workshop, or piece of art
  • What You Can Spend the $$ On: Travel expenses to present your work at a professional venue
  • When: Rolling deadline; we will review applications as they come in


To apply, email the following materials to Rebecca Walton at rebecca.walton@usu.edu

  • A brief description of the work you will present: what it is, its nature, and purpose (250 words or less)
  • What makes your work creative or innovative (200 words or less)
  • What makes your work distinctive for your field of study (200 words or less)
  • A brief description of how your work connects to the American West and/or contributes to understanding or appreciating the American West (200 words or less)
  • Proof of acceptance or invitation to present their work (e.g., a conference proposal acceptance email)


More Information

  • Please reach out to AD of Grad Studies Rebecca Walton (rebecca.walton@usu.edu) if you have any questions
  • We anticipate awarding up to 2 awards in fall and 3 in spring.
  • Successful awardees are required to present a version of their work to other CHaSS graduate students to contribute to interdisciplinary knowledge sharing at USU and to inspire potential future applicants. Rebecca Walton will work out the details of this presentation (where, when, how) with awardees.