Undergraduate Student Members

Community-Engaged Scholar Network


Undergraduate students from all Utah State University campuses in any discipline or academic background interested in community-engaged research, teaching, and service are encouraged to become members.


1. Multi-disciplinary network of colleagues committed to community-engaged scholarship

2. Training and networking events

3. Community-engagement opportunities related to research, teaching, and service

4. Technical and financial support opportunities exclusive to CESN members


1. Enter and maintain scholar profile with areas of interest

2. Communicate with CESN about community-identified projects and opportunities for collaboration

3. Attend at least three CESN functions per year (may be in person or online)

Highly Encouraged Opportunities

1. Become a Christensen Community Scholar through Center for Community Engagement and engage in all requirements of the Christensen Community Scholar program

a. Christensen Scholar program. All information and further requirements can be found at https://www.usu.edu/cel/students/scholars

2. Engage in all requirements of the Christensen Community Scholar program


Undergraduate Student Application Process

Applications may be submitted at any time via the Qualtrics CESN form and are reviewed on a monthly basis by TCI and CCE staff.