Directory Information

Community-Engaged Scholar Network

Network Structure

The network structure aligns with the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) framework, which demonstrates how individual, interpersonal, institutional, political, environmental, and structural factors intersect and affect the quality of life for people and in the communities where they live. The network shares its focus areas with the five domains of the Healthy People SDOH model: 1) Economic Stability; 2) Education Access and Quality; 3) Health Care Access and Quality; 4) Neighborhood and Built Environment; and 5) Social and Community Context.


As a way to organize the network, scholars should connect to the focus areas where their scholarship best fits, though they may join multiple areas. Connections will be made and information will be shared between each focus area.


Economic Stability Education Access and Quality Health Care Access and Quality Neighborhood and Built Enviornment Social and Community Context
Employment Early Childhood Development
and Education
Access to Health Services Access to Foods that Support Healthy
Dietary Patterns
Civic Participation
Food Insecurity Enrollment in Higher Education Access to Primary Care Crime and Violence Discrimination
Housing Instability Highschool Graduation Health Literacy Environmental Conditions Incarceration
Poverty Language and Literacy   Quality of Housing Social Cohesion

(Healthy People 2030, 2023)