Utah Youth Know

Welcome and we hope that you find our sex education sessions helpful! Our team has been working hard to compile and create a useful, feasible, and concise series of sex education sessions that are meant to supplement the information youth receive in schools and provide youth with the information they need to make healthy sexual decisions as they age. This overview will provide you with information on how to use the materials we provided for each session. While these sessions were created for use by Extension professionals in Utah, educators delivering community sex education sessions in other states may also find these sessions useful.


Utah Youth Know Sessions

Program Contacts

If you have any questions about the use of these sessions, please reach out to us. Here is our contact information:

Cris Meier

Cris Meier

Associate Professor
Social Work
Extension Community Resource & Economic Development

Email: cris.meier@usu.edu

Julie Gast

Julie Gast

MPH Director
Department of Kinesiology and Health Science

Email: julie.gast@usu.edu

Funding Statement: Utah Youth Know was funded by a seed grant from USU Extension.