
Welcome to the Utah Youth Know Contraceptives session plan. In this session, students will learn about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and contraceptive methods. The lesson begins with the definition of STIs and a detailed breakdown of different types of STIs. They will learn about symptoms commonly associated, transmission methods, and treatment of different STIs. The lesson covers strategies for avoiding STIs, emphasizing the importance of safe sex practices, regular testing, and open communication with partners. Information on how and where to get tested for STIs will be provided, encouraging students to take proactive steps in maintaining their sexual health. Students will also be introduced to the contraceptive methods (barrier methods, hormonal methods, and natural methods) and will learn about the different forms of contraceptives in each method. Information will be shared about the effectiveness, and how to access each type of contraceptive. This lesson is concluded with a round of Contraceptives Jeopardy, an interactive game to test the knowledge of the participants, making learning engaging and memorable.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, students will be well-informed about the risks and prevention of STIs, the variety of contraceptive options available, and how to make informed decisions about their sexual health. They will leave this lesson feeling confident and empowered to take charge of their sexual health. 

Circle Info

Script and Information Packet

People viewing screen

Slide Deck

Clipboard with list

Evaluation Survey

An open book

Supplemental Materials