Decision Making

Welcome to the Utah Youth Know Decision Making session plan. This session is designed to equip youth with practical tools to navigate decisions related to sexual health and behaviors. Students will gain a thorough understanding of a five-step decision-making process and how to apply it effectively in real-life situations. Recognizing the importance of guidance, students will identify trusted individuals in their lives who may assist them in making significant decisions. They will also learn about the concept of precognition, the ability to anticipate potential situations and decisions before they arise. This proactive approach helps youth to prepare mentally and emotionally, reducing the pressure of making quick decisions in the moment. Finally, students will learn about incapacitation and impaired decision making. Students will learn how these factors can affect their ability to make sound decisions which align with their true feelings.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, students will be well-equipped with the knowledge and tools to make informed, thoughtful decisions regarding their sexual health and behaviors. They will also be more confident in seeking support and understanding the factors that can impair their judgement.

Circle Info

Script and Information Packet

People viewing screen

Slide Deck

Clipboard with list

Evaluation Survey

An open book

Supplemental Materials