Think - Discover - Create with Passion

The mission of a university is to create and disseminate knowledge. As a cornerstone of Utah State University—with 18 undergraduate and nine graduate specialties—the College of Humanities and Social Sciences brings together faculty members engaged in original research and creative activities to teach and mentor students who aspire to be leaders in their professions and communities.

The college's programs give students opportunities to learn about the world, to learn about themselves and to gain new perspectives on their place in the world. The great challenges facing society today—and likely to face society in the future—will require multidisciplinary approaches. Such approaches are evident in the myriad of laboratories and centers for students and faculty to interact through engagement in creative scholarship including Utah Public Radio, the Mountain West Center for Regional Studies, the Museum of Anthropology, the Population Research Lab, and the Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization Lab, among others.

CHaSS students learn to address many of society's most challenging problems. They learn to develop arguments based on the critical analysis of a broad range of sources, and they practice communicating their ideas effectively—and respectfully—to others. These are skills in demand in a wide variety of careers, and they equip students to be leading members of society.