Writing Fellows

The Writing Fellows program is designed to help students better understand assignments and improve their writing. The program is made up of student tutors who are nominated by professors for their achievement and exceptional writing skills. Tutors are assigned to a course that has writing assignments, meeting one-on-one with students to give feedback on their papers before the final deadline so students have time to improve their paper before turning it in.


For more information about the Writing Fellows program or to apply to become a Writing Fellow, visit their webpage at: https://www.usu.edu/writingfellows/index

 If you have further questions, check the Writing Fellows FAQ or fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page: https://www.usu.edu/writingfellows/faq-contact

What Students Say About the Writing Fellows

My Writing Fellow helped me develop a stronger argument for my paper and pushed me to think outside of the box. She was also very helpful with fixing awkward sentences and improving my paper structure.

My Writing Fellow assisted me in understanding what I was trying to say and then helped me to feel more confident in completing the assignment.

My Writing Fellow helped me immensely in structuring my papers in a way that made sense as well as assisted me in expanding the length of my papers without adding fluff.

My Writing Fellow did a very good job of letting me know what did and did not work about my paper and where I needed to change things. She helped me develop a strong, clear thesis that gave my ideas a clear direction.