The English Club

Cut Up Poetry September 28th
May Swenson Read-a-Thon September 30th

The English Club is a social organization of English majors and minors that brings together students who enjoy reading, writing, and learning.  As a member of the club, you'll get a chance to form personal and professional connections to enrich your experience in the department.  You don't have to be an English major to participate—only to share our passion for reading, writing, and the humanities. Club members who would also like to join Sigma Tau Delta (the international English honor society) are welcome to apply, but membership in Sigma is not necessary to participate in any of the events that the club organizes.

 Club Contact

Christine Cooper-Rompato

Christine Cooper-Rompato

Professor; Sigma Tau Delta Logan Advisor

(435) 797-3856
Logan (RWST 204F)