Teaching Resources

The Anti-Oppression Committee provides a range of teaching resources to assist faculty in challenging oppressive practices and developing anti-oppressive practices in their classrooms toward the goal of a just campus community. Feel free to draw on the resources below for use in your own teaching practices.  

  • TEACHING TOOLKITS: In Fall 2020, the Anti-Oppression Committee launched a “Teaching Toolkit” project to serve as a resource for our campus community that will promote positive change, shed light on difficult-to-understand topics, and curate expertise from our colleagues. The Toolkits provide a range of sources that address systemic oppression/liberation in some manner. Faculty may draw on these resources to use in their teaching and to expand their own knowledge for addressing systemic oppression/liberation in their classrooms. Click on the links below to access materials. Faculty interested in submitting materials for the Teaching Toolkits should consult the following: Teaching Toolkit CFP  

Scholarly Articles: Articles written by USU faculty that address systemic oppression/liberation, accompanied by brief summaries and learning outcomes.

Teaching Tools: Additional articles, lecturettes, websites, assignments, syllabi, book lists, and other resources for addressing systemic oppression/liberation


  • INCLUSIVE SYLLABUS MODELS: This syllabus template is meant to serve as an aid to university instructors as they consider how to develop syllabi that are more inclusive of students with diverse backgrounds. The original version of the template was created by Tara Sutton (Mississippi State University) and later edited and modified by various scholars. USU faculty may model this template for their own syllabi and modify it according to the needs of their course.

  • ANTI-OPPRESSION READING LIST: The Anti-Oppression Committee has compiled a list of readings, raging from popular media, scholarly books and articles, fiction, and poetry, which address topics related to equity, justice, and inclusion: Anti-Oppression Reading List

UNIVERSITY PARTNER RESOURCES: The Anti-Oppression Committee also highlights the following USU resources for addressing racial justice and equity.