Scholarly Articles

Articles written by USU faculty that address systemic oppression/liberation, accompanied by brief summaries and learning outcomes. 
If you would like to submit an article for the Teaching Toolkits, please consult the following: Teaching Toolkit CFP.

"#BlackLivesMatter: Galvanizing and Oppositional Narratives" by Jeannie Banks Thomas (USU Department of English)

#BlackLivesMatter: Galvanizing and Oppositional Narratives” (2017) focuses on and analyzes the 2014 hashtag’s work as a “galvanizing narrative.” The article also explores the “oppositional narratives” that sprang up in response to #BlackLivesMatter. A brief overview of the cultural work the hashtag accomplished and the Black Lives Matter Movement are also included in the article, along with statistics on Black and white crime and sentencing rates.

"Covid-19 and Systemic Racism" by Rachel Robison-Greene (USU Department of Philosophy)

I wrote the following public philosophy piece on COVID-19 and Systemic Racism.  In the article, I argue that COVID-19 exposes existing systemic racism and that the pandemic puts us in a position to see what it is for racism to be systemic.  I address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in Cancer Alley, in the Navajo Nation and in reservations generally, among migrant workers, and in workplaces that tend to exploit the labor of immigrants and refugees.  It is written for a broad audience. The Prindle Post is a project out of the Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw. 

"Queering Tactical Technical Communication: DIY HRT" by Avery C. Edenfield, Steve Holmes, and Jared S. Colton (USU Department of English)

Given the barriers for transgender people to access affordable gender transition care, online environments have witnessed a rise in user-generated instruction sets providing direction on the self-administration of hormone therapy. Drawing directly from these user-generated instructions, this article articulates a theoretical framework for queer, tactical technical communication.

"Always Already Geopolitical: Trans Health Care and Global Tactical Technical Communication" by Avery C. Edenfield, Jared S. Colton, and Steve Holmes (USU Department of English)

Transgender persons face many barriers preventing them from accessing and receiving health care. Gender-transition care can be difficult because such care is frequently contingent upon geopolitics, such as location-based health-care policies that exclude transgender community attitudes and values.  Studying the do-it-yourself geopolitical medical literacies of transgender people, we found being trans online means to be tactical and geopolitical, encountering and negotiating geopolitical awareness of health-care options, exposing a privilege invisible to cisgender users.