CHaSS Faculty Conference Grants - Request for Proposals (RFP)

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences invites faculty to apply for a CHaSS Faculty Conference Grant. These grants fund the dissemination of research, creative projects and scholarship, as well as other forms of scholarship including innovative teaching approaches and scholarship of teaching and learning.

College funding is secondary to departmental funding, meaning that faculty should have already exhausted their departmental travel funding before seeking CHaSS support. Those faculty with Office of Research Start Up Funding should also have exhausted those resources before seeking CHaSS funding. Faculty may apply for a maximum amount of funding according to the scale below per conference. Faculty may only receive one conference grant per fiscal year.

  • Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Post-docs: up to $1200
  • Associate & Full Professors: up to $1000


CHaSS faculty at every rank and every campus are encouraged to apply.  Funding is limited and very competitive. CHaSS anticipates awarding no more than 2-3 awards per cycle in 2024-25. Applicants should therefore carefully consider their funding needs for the entire academic year and first seek funding from their home departments, returned F&A, and Office of Research Start Up Funding for new faculty.

  • Awards cover expenses related to a faculty member’s role as an official presenter (or co-presenter) at professional conferences, meetings, and/or workshops where they are presenting material related to their area of excellence outlined in their role statement (research or teaching). Awards do not cover faculty expenses related to non-presentation participants who are serving only on the organizing committee, only on the executiv board, only as a discussant, only as a commentator, or as a non-participant attendee. Should you have questions about whether your participation would be deemed eligible, please contact Associate Dean Julia Gossard.
  • A faculty member’s presentation does not need to be accepted at the time of application. Faculty members, however, will need to submit evidence of their presentation’s acceptance here. If a CHaSS-funded presentation is not accepted, the award will be cancelled.
  • Faculty are eligible for one award per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
  • Presentations must meaningfully advance work in the faculty member's area of excellence.
  • All CHaSS faculty are encouraged to apply though awards may be prioritized for those at junior ranks for whom research presentations are essential for tenure and/or promotion.

Cycle Dates 2024-2025

  • Cycle 1 due by April 1: Covers travel July 1-September 30
  • Cycle 2 due by September 15: Covers travel October 1-December 31
  • Cycle 3 due by December 1: Covers travel January 1-March 31
  • Cycle 4 due by March 1: Covers travel April 1-June 30
  • Note: Applications will open one month before the next cycle.
  • Given the competitiveness of awards, late applications cannot be considered.

Instructions to Apply

Please fill out the corresponding online form and upload relevant documentation about the conference.

Since funding is limited, this program is competitive. Funding is not guaranteed and not all applicants will be successful. Faculty are strongly encouraged to carefully proofread their applications, upload complete files, and submit their application well in advance of the deadline in case of technological difficulties. Please make sure you have discussed your application with your Department Head as they will receive a notification of your application via email upon submission.

Application File Components to Prepare

  • Narrative (2-pages); This narrative should be organized in the following format and in the following order.
  • Part I: Overview:Briefly describe (in 2-3 paragraphs) both your project/presentation and the conference.
  • Part II: Significance of Presentation/Project to Field/Scholarly Community:Describe the project/presentation's significance to the advancement of scholarly knowledge in your field as well as humanities and social sciences more generally.
  • Part III: Significance of Presentation/Project to Faculty's Role Statement/Work-in-Progress: Explain the importance of this presentation to your research and/or teaching trajectory and professional development as outlined in your role statement. Be sure that you address any publications, outcomes, or opportunities that this presentation is a part of currently or in the future.
  • Digital Measures Update (if needed). We will pull your Digital Measures, so ensure that your Digital Measures is up to date.
  • A Completed CHaSS Budget Form or Budget Document
  • Current Funding Statement from your Business Services Manager that indicates your current and available funding (including start-up funds) amounts. This can be a copy of an email or spreadsheet.

Application Review: A panel of CHaSS faculty reviews applications, scores each application according to a rubric, and makes recommendations to the Associate Dean. Please direct questions about this grant program to Associate Dean Julia Gossard (

Receiving Funds: Funds can only be used for travel expenses related to the specific conference listed on the application. Should the faculty member be unable to attend, or the conference cancelled, the funding cannot be used for another purpose. The money will be returned to the CHaSS Budget Pool. Faculty, however, can re-apply if this occurs. All funding must adhere to Utah State University’s travel policies and procedures ( You will need to save and submit all receipts to be reimbursed for your costs up to the approved award amount listed on your award letter. Expenses beyond the approved award amount are the applicant’s responsibility. Please contact your department’s business manager for questions related to index numbers and reimbursements. In accepting these funds, faculty agree to attend at least two College research events per academic year. This might include a Tanner Talk, a workshop, or another research activity.

Final Report: If you have previously received a CHaSS Faculty Conference Grant, please ensure that you have turned in a one-page report summarizing the outcome of your conference activity. Make sure to highlight how this award has advanced your research trajectory in regard to publications and/or external grant submissions. Applicants who have an outstanding report from a previous award will not be considered for another CHaSS Faculty Conference Grant. There is, however, an option at the end of the form to turn in a final report for a previous award.