CHaSS C.A.R.E. Award Application Information

Creative Activity and Research Enhancement (C.A.R.E.) Award


The CHaSS Creative Activity and Research Enhancement (C.A.R.E.) Award helps support faculty research productivity by providing up to $1500 in funding for a project that will lead to the development of a clearly defined research product within twelve months of the award.

There are 4 Application Cycles (portals open 1 month prior to the due date)

  • Cycle 1: Due June 1
  • Cycle 2: Due by September 15
  • Cycle 3: Due by January 15
  • Cycle 4: Due by April 1

ELIGIBILITY: Funding is limited and competitive. All faculty and post-docs in CHaSS (at any campus) are eligible to apply for a C.A.R.E. Award.

  • Faculty are eligible for one award per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
  • Faculty may only be the lead/primary investigator on one C.A.R.E. award at a time and within a twelve-month period.
    • Collaborative Teams: CHaSS encourages and supports faculty collaboration. Faculty teams may apply for 1 award per project per fiscal year. Regardless of the number of faculty on a research team, the maximum funding per award is $1500. Faculty may be co-PIs on multiple awards per fiscal year, but only may be listed as primary PI for one project (either individual or team).

Awarded projects must expend funds and develop a clearly defined research product within 12 months (1 year) of the award date. If the award is not expended in this time and/or a research product is not created during this period, CHaSS will "pull back" or recover funds from the recipient’s home department. Extensions will only be granted for rare, extenuating circumstances.


Products: A “research product” must advance the faculty member’s research and/or teaching trajectory as outlined in their role statement. This product may include (but is not limited to):

  • Submission of a journal article to a peer-reviewed journal
  • Submission of a book proposal to a reputable press
  • Submission of a book draft to a reputable press
  • Submission of a book chapter to a reputable press
  • Creation of a critical translation or edition of a book or other research resource
  • Creation of a community guide or practice manual
  • Creation of a data set that could lead to multiple publications
  • A fully developed external sponsored program application

Since CHaSS faculty are involved in a number of research endeavors, your product may be different and deemed eligible. You’re advised to consult with Associate Dean Gossard if you have questions about the eligibility for your project’s product.

Expenses: Approved expenses include but are not limited to:

  • Data collection trips
  • Human subject research expenes (participant payments)
  • Student (graduate or undergraduate) research assistants*
  • Funding collaborative writing and co-locating sessions
  • Translation services
  • Select editing services (indexing, copyediting, figures/tables creation)
  • Specialized equipment including software. Note: Purchases of equipment (such as software, computers, tablets) will remain the property of the Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Utah State University, not the PI.

*This funding is intended to provide support to faculty. While students may be hired as research assistants to assist faculty, the project must be in support of the faculty member’s research. Other university and college opportunities cover undergraduate and graduate research funding.

This award does NOT cover:

  • Supplemental faculty salary (summer salary)
  • Travel to professional conferences or workshops (this is covered by CHaSS Faculty Conference Grants)

Note: Applicants who seek a C.A.R.E. Award with the primary objective of creating an application for an external funding agency may be eligible for this award but a USU Research Catalyst Grant (Seed Grant) may be more appropriate and provide more support. Applicants should discuss projects like this in advance with Associate Dean Gossard.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out the corresponding online form and upload relevant documentation. Since funding is limited, this program is competitive. Faculty are strongly encouraged to carefully proofread their applications, upload complete files, and submit their application well in advance of the deadline in case of technological difficulties. Applications received via email will not be accepted.

Please make sure you have discussed your application with your Department Head as they will receive a notification of your application via email upon submission.

Application File Components to Prepare

  • Narrative (3-pages maximum; 12pt font, single spaced); This narrative should be organized in the following format and in the following order:
    • Part I: Overview of Project & Product:Briefly describe the proposed creative activity or research project. Clearly identify the product(s) that will emerge from this award. Be as specific as possible with respect to the type of product that will emerge.
    • Part II: Innovation & Impact:In a few paragraphs, explain the innovative methods employed, significant impact, and/or importance of the project to your field as well as humanities and social sciences as a whole. Be sure to fully explain the importance of this project to your research and/or teaching trajectory and professional development as outlined in your role statement. Identify any publications or opportunities that this presentation is a part of currently or in the future.
    • Part III: Expenditures: How will you use the funding? In this section, discuss the specific activities you will conduct using CHaSS funding. Please explain how these activities will lead to the successful development of a research product within 12 months.
    • Part IV: Timeline: Provide a timeline for completion of the activities and expenditures outlined above.
  • Works Cited/Bibliography (maximum 1 page)
  • Update Digital Measures. We will pull your Digital Measures. Be sure this is up-to-date.
  • Completed CHaSS Budget Form 
  • Budget Justification - Provide brief justifications and/or explanations for budget items outlined in the CHaSS Budget Form. Please remember that while this award can be used to fund travel for data collection or collaboration, it is not intended for travel to conferences or professional meetings. It is also not intended as supplemental faculty salary.
  • Current Funding Statement from your Business Services Manager that indicates your current and available funding (including start-up funds) amounts.


Application Review: A panel of CHaSS faculty reviews applications, scores each application according to a rubric, and makes recommendations to the Associate Dean for grant support. Priority is given to faculty members who need funds to complete major projects, especially projects tied to a faculty member’s successful promotion and/or tenure review. Please direct questions about this grant program to Associate Dean Julia Gossard (

Receiving Funds: Any travel that this award covers must adhere to Utah State University’s travel policies and procedures ( Funds are transferred to your Business Services manager in your home department who will track your funds with you. Many expenses covered with C.A.R.E. awards will come through reimbursement, meaning the faculty member will need to save and submit all receipts to be reimbursed for your costs up to the approved award amount listed on your award letter to your Business Services contact. Expenses beyond the approved award amount are the applicant’s responsibility. It is suggested that you seek additional funding from your home department. For student salaries or other expenses internal to the University, different procedures may be followed. Please contact your department’s business manager for questions related to index numbers, direct purchasing, and reimbursements. In accepting the funds, you agree to be an active participant in the college's intellectual community. You agree to attend at least two events per academic year related to research. This might include a Tanner Talk or a professional development workshp.

Final Report: A final report at the end of your award period is necessary. You will also need to submit evidence of your final product to the Associate Dean. Make sure to highlight how this award has advanced your research trajectory in regard to publications and/or external grant submissions. Applicants who have an outstanding report from a previous award will not be considered. There is, however, an option at the end of this form to turn in a final report for a previous award.