September 25, 2023

5 Questions for a CHaSS Grad

Five Questions with Darcy Ritchie

Darcy Ritchie graduated in spring 2023 with degrees in history and print journalism and a minor in religious studies. Darcy attended Idaho Falls High School before coming to USU’s Logan campus where she served as editor for The Utah Statesman. She is currently utilizing her storytelling and research skills as the strategic initiatives and programming intern with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Recently, Darcy fulfilled a lifelong dream of buying herself a movie theater subscription and now spends most of her free time enjoying the cinema. 

The best way to make the most of one’s college experience is to take advantage of opportunities that open up for you. I never thought I would manage a newspaper until after I took the opportunity to write one story a week. I never thought I would be interested in undergraduate research until a professor gave me the opportunity to be a research assistant. I couldn’t imagine being where I am now without the skills I gained through those jobs. Be open to anything — it could change your life!

The best place to study on campus is on the second floor of the library in the book collections, right next to the windows. I won’t take any other suggestions!!

One thing I wish I had done at USU was to get involved with undergraduate research earlier. I got really into it at the end of my junior year, and I regret not taking advantage of earlier opportunities to conduct and present my research. I do historical research daily at my internship, and I wish I had realized how valuable those skills would be much sooner.

The thing I miss most about USU is the people. It’s so easy to meet people in college, and I definitely miss how often I had the chance to know someone new. USU has some of the most hard-working, friendly, and passionate students trying to make campus a positive place. There are also so many faculty and staff I miss dearly! 

My one piece of advice to my younger self would be not to worry about the future so much! Your future makes much more sense while you’re living it. 


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