July 1, 2021

New CHaSS Departments

CHaSS restructured with four new departments

By: Lyndi Robins, CHaSS Communications Journalist

USU’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHaSS) now offers eight academic departments. Four new departments became available July 1, 2021, and include the Department of Social Work, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Department of World Languages and Cultures and the Department of Communication Studies and Philosophy.

The four new departments will join CHaSS’s existing journalism and communication, English, political science and history departments. The new departments will replace the former Department of Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology and the Department of Languages, Philosophy and Communication Studies.

“The four new departments replace two departments that were among the largest academic units at USU,” said Joseph Ward, Dean of CHaSS. “We expect these new arrangements will make it much easier for students to access the administrative help they need.”

All CHaSS departments, except political science, have newly appointed department heads.

Department of Political Science

Anthony Peacock, a professor of political science and the department head of the Department of Political Science for the last 8 years, will continue in that position. He can be reached at anthony.peacock@usu.edu.

Department of Social Work

Jess Lucero, an associate professor of social work, is the department head over the new Department of Social Work as well as graduate director over the Master of Social Work program as well as USU’s Transforming Communities Initiative. She can be reached at jessica.lucero@usu.edu.

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Judson Finley, an associate professor of anthropology and archeology and the anthropology program director, is the department head over the new Department of Sociology and Anthropology. He can be reached at judson.finley@usu.edu.

Department of World Languages and Cultures

David Richter, an associate professor of Spanish, is the department head over the new Department of World Languages and Cultures. He can be reached at david.richter@usu.edu.

Department of Communication Studies and Philosophy

Jennifer Peeples, a professor of communication studies, is the department head over the new Department of Communication Studies and Philosophy. She can be reached at jennifer.peeples@usu.edu

Department of Journalism and Communication

Susan Polster, a professor of journalism and communication, is the new department head for the Department of Journalism and Communication. She can be reached at susan.polster@usu.edu.

Department of English

Phebe Jensen, a professor of English, is the new department head for the Department of English after serving as the interim department head for the last year. She can be reached at phebe.jensen@usu.edu.

Department of History

Ravi Gupta, a professor of history, Charles Redd Chair of Religious Studies, and director of the religious studies program, is the new department head of the Department of History. He can be reached at ravi.gupta@usu.edu.

Websites and additional information for each new department will be published throughout the summer and can be accessed at www.chass.usu.edu.


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