The Master of Second Language Teaching (MSLT) is an innovative, interdisciplinary master's degree program with a strong practical emphasis.
It is designed for students desiring additional training at the graduate level in an integrative program combining coursework in the fields of Foreign Language Education, Bilingual/Immersion Education or ESL/EFL Education.
Attainment of the MSLT degree requires the completion of a minimum of 30 credits of coursework, focused on language, literacy, and culture. In addition, the program emphasizes teaching methodology, curriculum preparation, materials development, and assessment.
Starting in fall 2024 we will offer a collaborative program that will lead to certification by Utah State Board of Education for teaching K-12. Individuals who do not have Utah State Board of Education certification and wish to obtain that credential should contact the College of Education.
You can also earn an ESL Endorsement while completing the MSLT degree. Check the requirements on the Secondary Education page.
Please contact Bobbi Crabtree for admission to the Secondary Teacher Education program.
The MSLT Program would like to highlight some of its amazing alumni who are making great use of their MSLT degrees.
The MSLT program is approved as a Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) through the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). This means that applicants who are officially residents of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming can attend the MSLT program at Utah’s in-state tuition rates, in effect lowering their tuition cost by two-thirds.
Master's Portfolio
Students develop a Master's Portfolio during their time in the program. The Portfolio contains a comprehensive statement of the candidate's philosophy of second language teaching and learning and how this philosophy will be applied in the professional environment. The Portfolio is defended before the candidate's supervisory committee.
Program Advisors
Sarah O'Neill
Lecturer, MSLT Co-Director, Graduate Program Coordinator
Office: GLTC 264
Phone: 435 797 1035
Email: sarah.oneill@usu.edu
Ekaterina Arshavskaya
Associate Professor, MSLT Co-Director
Office: GLTC 146
Phone: 435 797 1237
Email: ekaterina.a@usu.edu