The Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center

"We are promoting something good, and good things never die." — Dr. Mehdi Heravi | Philanthropist and USU Alum
News Paper

Grand Opening

A new home for languages and cultures at USU

The Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center is a long-awaited addition — not only to Utah State University’s historic Quad but to our vibrant educational landscape.

On October 11, 2024, a new center for language study will open its doors to the Logan campus. The College of Humanities and Social Sciences looks forward to unveiling this dedicated space for all USU students studying languages and gaining essential skills for a global workforce.


Creating a Sense of Place

Language isn’t just speaking. It’s a different way of seeing the world. I’ve learned how to expand my view... The courses here are really good, but it doesn’t really feel like a major. It’s just scattered. My classes are all over campus. The idea of languages getting together excites me. It’ll be great to have a place where we actually get to be a cohort of students.

Jace Bingham, Sophomore studying Chinese

Jace bingham stands smiling in front of old main


A well lit hallway in a white walled open area that incorporates arches and glass to create small rooms.
The Department of World Languages and Cultures offers culture and language instruction to Aggies who want to make a difference globally with their careers. In its current state, the 50+ language faculty and instructors in this expansive department are spread across four locations. This new center will unify this department, consolidating its many programs and initiatives into a central location to better serve its members.

A high shot of a well lit open space room with bridges the rise above the floor below
Elevated Learning

At its core, the Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center is designed to create real-world understanding for language and culture students through interaction. The cultural hubs act as gathering places where students of varying cultural backgrounds can meet and talk to one another in their language of study. The tech creative space allows students to develop various multimedia projects focused on language and includes a recording area which serves as an interview space. Study nooks provide students with quiet, focused retreats where they can converse, work on homework or relax with their peers.

A well lit hallway in a white walled open area that incorporates arches and glass to create small rooms.
Quality of Life
Modern learning requires modern accommodation. By providing students with updated amenities —such as a café, bike storage, and food prep area — they will be better able to focus on their educational goals without compromise. In addition to general student comfort, the Intensive English Language Institute will have a physical location for the first time to help foreign students get their start at USU. These important additions create a more accessible college experience for students and the Cache Valley community.



The Mehdi Heravi Global Teaching and Learning Center is an ever-growing project. To keep up with new developments or to catch up on previous ones, please visit the Article Archive.

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