Arabic Studies



Minoring in Arabic Studies allows students to develop a basic grasp of the Arabic language, obtain a broad knowledge of the Arab culture and the region, and gain familiarity with different historical and political perspectives on the Arab world.

What is Arabic?

  1. Arabic is a Semitic language with a long history and rich literature.
  2. It is spoken natively in more than 20 countries and by more than 300 million speakers.
  3. It is the main language of Islamic liturgy and texts and is learned by Muslims around the world.
  4. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations.
  5. The Arabic script is used for writing Arabic and several other languages of Asia and Africa, such as Persian, Urdu, Pashto, and Sindhi, among others.

Why Choose Arabic?

  1. Arabic speakers are in high demand, especially by the US government and transnational companies.
  2. Proficiency in Arabic is a critical asset that opens up career opportunities in the global market.
  3. Knowledge of Arabic is key to understanding Arab culture and people.
  4. Knowing Arabic sets you apart by showcasing your interest in something unique.
  5. It gives you access to a rich history and a long literary tradition.
  6. Arabic is a critical-need language that serves as a bridge for understanding multiple perspectives on international relations and politics.

Career Application

With the Arabic Studies Minor, and the knowledge of the Arabic language and culture, you will gain access to jobs in
business, social work, public policy, international affairs, tourism, political analysis, and diplomacy.

Arabic Club

The Arabic Club offers various activities to engage with students interested in the Arabic language and culture, including conversation tables, movie nights, cooking classes, group discussions, and guest lectures. Join us if you are interested!

Arabic Club

Practice Arabic with your fellow students while learning about and enjoying Middle-Eastern culture.

Get Involved

Study Abroad

Study languages in their native contexts and gain greater understanding of the ways that language influences populations and cultures.

TALC Language Labs

Studying language at USU? Visit the Technology Assisted Language Center to print assignments, visit with tutors, and read native language media.

Alumni Advice

Program Advisors

Abdulkafi Albirini

Abdulkafi Albirini

Professor, Arabic Language Coordinator, MSLT Program Co-Director

+1 435 797 8630
Logan (MAIN 202H)

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Scholarships & Financial Aid

  • Utah State University offers many options for financial aid, including university level scholarships and aid available to specific colleges and majors.