
Why We Assess

A continual cycle of planning and assessment is necessary to ensure the IELI program is achieving its mission. That mission, in part, is to teach the language and cultural skills international students and non-English speaking U.S. residents need for successful academic study at USU.

We must continually ask ourselves (1) if entry level student abilities are accurately assessed, (2) if our students are actually ready for advancement at the end of each term, and (3) if our curriculum reflects current practice and leads to quality teaching and learning.

Assessment Plan

IELI's assessment plan focuses on information from/about:

Goal of Assessment

The goal of assessment in IELI is to determine if students have improved their English for Academic (EAP) skills while in the IELI program and if they have met the exit goals of the program upon completion of level 4. Results of assessment are used to guide programmatic decisions over time. Results are not used to make short-term or immediate decisions regarding the academic readiness of any particular student, the effectiveness of any particular teacher, or the effectiveness of any particular course.


Data are collected in a number of ways, including testing, survey, and analysis of student products. Faculty review data in faculty meetings and at the annual retreat and the curriculum day. In addition, they meet several times per year in meetings dedicated to reviewing data relevant to student achievement of program goals. Decisions faculty make relate to testing and placement, curriculum, student services, and general program operation.  Results of assessment are used to guide programmatic decisions over time. Results are not used to make short-term or immediate decisions regarding the academic readiness of any particular student, the effectiveness of any particular teacher, or the effectiveness of any particular course.