Student Complaints

If you as a student feel you have been treated unfairly in any area, you should first discuss the problem with the person most directly involved – teacher, advisor, staff, or administrator. This includes your initial placement and grades you receive in your classes. If the problem cannot be resolved in this way, you should take the problem to the IELI Director – or if the problem is with the IELI Director – to the Head of the Department of World Languages and Cultures.

Please note that this complaint page is for IELI students only.

If you are not currently a student in the Intensive English Language Institute, please consult the Student Code which outlines that grievance process.

*Type of Complaint
what happend and why are you unhappy?

If you need help filling out this form you may ask the IELI advisor.  She will keep this information confidential (i.e. she will not share it with anyone).

If the department head cannot resolve the grievance, the complaint with documentation goes to the dean; then if it is still unresolved to the vice-president of student affairs, who appoints a grievance board which hears the grievance and makes a decision. You may appeal the decision, and if so, the complaint moves forward to an appeals board appointed by the president of the university. The decision of the appeals board may be further appealed to the president, who will make the final decision.

A downloadable version of the form