Telework Guidelines

Clarifying work from home rules at CHaSS

Applying to work from home



The process for initiating telework agreements begins when an employee completes the “CHaSS Telework Form”, shares it with their supervisor and sends the required materials to the CHaSS Telework Committee. After the process begins, their supervisor must assess their position, evaluate the employee’s request, meet with the employee and send their recommendation to the CHaSS Telework Committee. Once all requests have been submitted to the committee, they will review all the requests and make a recommendation to the dean who will review the committee’s findings and finalize the outcome.


Supervisor Employee Discussion

After approval, the employee and supervisor must meet to discuss, develop and set expectations for the employee’s performance when teleworking. If the employee’s request is denied, the employee and supervisor must meet to discuss this outcome.


Formal Agreement

Finally, the employee, supervisor and dean must formalize their agreement in USU ServiceNow and continue to meet regularly to track the employee’s progress.

Things to know before application

General Principles

  1. All staff should be afforded a degree of flexibility, but what that looks like will depend upon the work they need to do for their positions. Per USU Policy 382.2.5, “The University encourages flexible work arrangements to facilitate customer service during peak periods, allow for effective supervision, encourage use of public transportation, accommodate employee needs (e.g., child care), and expand job opportunities to individuals who may be denied access due to restricted time requirements.” Additionally, per USU Policy 330.2, "Depending on the nature of the work to be performed, not all positions will qualify for telework." The USU Telework Policy should be applied consistently and equitably. 
  2. Successful telework will ultimately depend on employees’ ability to demonstrate that the arrangement works for the Unit as well as for themselves.
  3. No one’s work arrangement should negatively affect the work of another person or the work of a Unit.
  4. We should not contort workflows to facilitate alternate work arrangements. At the same time, we should be willing to consider different workflows if they don’t impose burdens on colleagues.
  5. Ad hoc telework is still an option per USU Policy and does not require a formal agreement. Ad hoc telework refers to infrequent and irregular situations when an employee might request telework in order to balance a personal need with work. However, anything beyond infrequent ad hoc situations as defined in USU Policy 330 requires a formal telework agreement.

General Expectations for Telework

  1. Moving to full‐time telework may result in loss of permanent work station on campus.
  2. If there are productivity issues or a Performance Improvement Plan implemented, employee will return to on campus work. Productivity will be evaluated after the first 30 days of telework, and on a regular basis thereafter. Telework is a privilege, not a right, and can be discontinued at any time.
  3. Employees will attend trainings and retreats in person, if that is the specified, preferred delivery method.
  4. Any job responsibilities requiring you to be in person will still need to take place. Please plan for these occasions.
  5. Travel to and from work is not considered work time, even if it takes place during normal work hours.
  6. To ensure better communication regarding planned time off, please submit annual leave requests prior to days off.
  7. Be an interactive and engaged teleworker. Keep cameras on during zoom meetings. Respond to emails within one business day, even if it is just to say you are working on it.

Telework Initiation Forms

Discussion Guide

The CHaSS Telework Committee will review all incoming requests and make recommendations to the Dean, who will make a final decision. Someone from the committee will inform both the employee and the supervisor of this decision. If request is approved, the employee will submit a Telework Agreement through ServiceNow for signatures from the supervisor and Dean.

If approved, the supervisor and employee will meet to set expectations for telework. Below are some suggested discussion points:

1. Determine strategies for regular communication with the supervisor and the team about projects, work, and other topics.
2. Availability and process for communication by phone, instant messaging (e.g., Slack), video conferencing, 
    and email.  
3. Discuss remote vs. in-person participation in meetings.
4. Discuss anticipated schedule (i.e. will telework and in-person schedule vary?).
5. Discuss expectations for productivity and metrics for assessment.