Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year

The Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year award is given annually to faculty who mentor undergraduate researchers. They are characterized as counselors and guides who encourage, instruct and advocate. A good faculty member provides a role model for methods of inquiry in a field of study and the responsible conduct of research. Good mentors often provide students with their first entry into professional circles and support the dissemination of the student’s work as through professional conference participation or publication. 

The recipient will be recognized at the CHaSS Awards Ceremony and will also be recognized formally during the Student Showcase Celebration in April, “Undergraduate Research Month.” 

Nomination materials:

  • A letter of nomination from the department head or designee, which is no more than two single-spaced pages and addresses the criteria above
  • A three-page narrative that demonstrates the candidate’s qualifications for the award
  • Abbreviated CV related to the award’s criteria

Nominations are due December 15 to the CHaSS Deans Office (338 OM) or via email to chass@usu.edu.

Joyce Kinkead smiling

2023 award winner Joyce Kinkead | English

Susan Cogan

2022 award winner Susan Cogan | History