True Blue Award

Outstanding Employee Award

The True Blue Outstanding Employee Award is given each year to recognize an individual who has provided extraordinary service the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. *Eligible positions for this award include academic advisors, business assistants/managers, directors, program coordinators, production/staff assistants, and system administrators, etc. The nominees should consistently contribute to their programs and college by carrying out the responsibilities of their job in an exceptional manner. Nominees must have at least two years of eligible service (benefit-eligible position working 50% time or greater) at Utah State University and be a current employee. 

The recipient will be recognized at the CHaSS Awards Ceremony. The portfolio is also forwarded to the Office of Human Resources to be considered for the university Employee of the Year. 

Nomination materials:

  • A one-page, double-spaced, nomination letter from the department head or director, and a current résumé

Nominations are due December 15 to the CHaSS Dean's Office (OM 338) or via email to

Simon Bergholtz smiling

2023 award winner Simon Bergholtz | Dean's Office

Nicole Despain in front of a snowy brick building wearing a yellow shirt

2022 award winner Nicole Despain | English