Rachael Fresh

As a first-generation college student, Rachael embarked on her educational journey at Utah State University, graduating in 2018 with a major in Communication Studies. Rachael's time at USU was marked by her dedication to being involved on campus as much as possible. She served as the USUSA Vice President of Student Alumni, a CHaSS Council Member, a President's Cabinet Member, an active member of Kappa Delta and much more, leaving an indelible impact on campus life.

Driven by her passion for people, Rachael has since transitioned into the dynamic world of tech, where she currently works as a People Analyst at Weave, a prominent Utah-based technology company. Her dedication to understanding and empowering individuals in the workplace is evident in her role, where she founded the first Women at Weave people resource group. Never one to rest on her laurels, Rachael recently attained her master's degree in Organizational Leadership from Southern New Hampshire University. As she prepares to embark on a new chapter in her life, Rachael is eagerly anticipating her upcoming wedding this spring, all while remaining a fervent supporter of USU sports and the college of CHaSS.