February 24, 2021

Aaron Andersen | Alumni Lunch Series

On Friday, February 19, CHaSS students had the opportunity to hear from Aaron Andersen, a Senior Partner at Cicero Group where he focuses on helping organizations develop data-driven strategies to grow sustainably and realize enhanced operational efficiencies in domestic and international markets. Aaron holds Master’s Degrees from Harvard University and Cornell University in Higher Education and Public Administration, respectively. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Utah State University.

Prior to joining Cicero Group, Aaron worked for over a decade in leadership roles in higher education, culminating in his role as a Principal Organizational Consultant at the University of California, Berkeley. His higher education experience, marked by stints at his undergraduate alma mater, Utah State University, and his graduate alma maters, Cornell University and Harvard University, also includes leadership of significant vertical initiatives.

If you're interested to learn where higher education is headed and the strategies that are likely to propel it forward, this is a conversation you don't want to miss.