Forms for Doctoral Students

Annual Review/Progress Report Form

You should complete and submit this form every year by April 1. Your first year in the program, email the completed form to the TCR Curriculum Committee Chair prior to taking the qualifying examination. All other years, email the form to your major professor.

Supervisory Committee Approval

Identifies five faculty members who will supervise your dissertation and program of study. Choose a major advisor who is a TCR faculty member (Chen, Colton, Edenfield, Moeller, Walton), two committee members who are TCR faculty members, one faculty member within the English Department but outside TCR, and one faculty member outside the English Department. Should be filled out by the end of second semester and sent to the English Department Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) who will forward it to the Graduate School. When completing the form, please follow instructions on the second page of the form.

*Note that this form is updated frequently so make sure you are using the most current version on the USU Graduate School website.

Program of Study

Lays out the coursework you will take to earn a degree in your specific program. Found in your Banner account under “Degree Works.” TCR doctoral students need to fill out a Program of Study Worksheet before they fill out the official Program of Study Form. When you are ready to fill in the official Program of Study Form in Banner, you may do this on your own or you can make an appointment with the English Graduate Program Assistant for help. After completing the form, email the DGS for approval. Should be filled out by end of first year.

Application for Candidacy

Due three months prior to the final dissertation defense; it must be accompanied by a signed copy of the Proposal Cover Sheet. The Application for Candidacy form, signed by all members of the committee and the department head, attests that the student is ready to conduct independent dissertation research.

Appointment for Examination

Due at least 10 working days before the final defense. Notifies the Grad School that you will be defending your dissertation. Ensures that committee members have read the dissertation ahead of time and agree that it is ready to be defended.

Record of Examination

This form is brought to your dissertation defense by the outside member of your dissertation committee, who serves as the representative of the Grad School at the defense. The form is mailed to the outside committee member prior to the defense.

Dissertation Format and Style Form

This form must accompany a dissertation presented to the School of Graduate Studies for approval.

Dissertation Embargo Request

USU is committed to the open dissemination of knowledge and requires that theses and dissertations be submitted to UMI/ProQuest and to DigitalCommons@USU. However, the Embargo form is used to restrict electronic release of your thesis or dissertation. A dissertation document may be embargoed for five years after submission, however, a printed copy of the document must still be submitted to the Merrill Cazier Library along with a binding fee. Embargo of a dissertation must be approved by the advisor, the department head, and the Vice Provost of Graduate Studies.

Application for Leave of Absence or Continuous Registration

Use this form when you will not be registering for a spring or fall semester during your program of study. Work with your department to complete this form.

Disability Accommodation Student Application

Use this form to make the university aware that you are in need of a disability accommodation. Filling out this form allows you to meet with a disability resource center (DRC) Accessibility Consultant, who will discuss your academic goals, your current academic standing, and the barriers you may be experiencing. 

Graduate School Travel Funding Application 

Use this form to apply for travel funding for academic conferences (both virtual and in-person). Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.