English 2020: Professional Communication (CL2)


When taking English 2020, you will draft, write, and revise to:

  • Research across a variety of platforms 
  • Learn to write to and speak for professional and technical audiences
  • Investigate workplace issues and questions
  • Compose and analyze communication genres in multiple technical and professional fields

English 2020 Outcomes

All English 2020 courses at USU have four main outcomes: Rhetorical Awareness, Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, and Composing Processes. 

Rhetorical Awareness

Writers develop rhetorical awareness by negotiating purpose, audience, context, and textual conventions as they compose a variety of texts for different rhetorical situations. 

Rhetorical awareness is illustrated by the student writer’s ability to:

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Critical Thinking

Writers practice critical thinking when they analyze, synthesize, interpret, and evaluate ideas, information, situations, and texts. 

Critical thinking is illustrated by the student writer’s ability to:

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Information Literacy

Writers practice information literacy when they understand research as a process of critical inquiry, consider the influence of power on texts, and become creators of information through both written and oral communication. 

Information literacy is illustrated by the student writer’s ability to:

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Composing Processes

Writers employ multiple composing processes to conceptualize, draft, write, revise, and finalize both written and oral projects. Writers’ composing processes are flexible and seldom linear.

Composing processes are illustrated by the student writer’s ability to:

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General Education Communication Literacy 2 Outcomes (CL2)

Completion of  English 2020 with a minimum of a C- fulfills the university’s CL2 general education requirements. The outcomes for courses with a CL2 designation, like English 2020, can be found on the general education website.

English 2020 Curriculum

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