Study Abroad

Club Contact

If you are interested in studying abroad, make a plan with your academic advisor and contact USU's Office of Global Engagement[BROKEN LINK].

Students who take part in USU's Study Abroad programs immerse themselves in different cultures and languages, make friends and gain valuable global perspectives. By studying abroad, students can enhance their own cultural understandings by interacting with native speakers of foreign languages, observing cultural differences, and gaining appreciation for the cultures that have helped shape modern society.

The most popular choice for students of English wanting to study abroad is the British literature program which takes place in England.

Financial Assistance

The university aims to keep studying abroad affordable. Most affiliated exchange program costs are based on USU tuition, fees, and housing. The university also participates in the International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP) where students trade placements with students from partner universities abroad. All affiliated study abroad programs earn credits towards USU degrees, and most financial aid and scholarships apply. Students interested in short-term study abroad experiences may consider enrolling in a summer program. Some scholarships are offered through the college.