Study Abroad

Club Contact

If you are interested in studying abroad, please visit USU's Office of Global Engagement.


Students of international studies at USU are required to gain international experience as part of their degree. This experience usually involves at least 3 weeks in a foreign country. Fortunately, USU has many opportunities for students to fulfill this requirement.

Students who take part in USU's Study Abroad programs immerse themselves in different cultures and languages, make friends and gain valuable global perspectives. By studying abroad, students can enhance their own cultural understandings by interacting with native speakers of foreign languages, observing cultural differences, and gaining appreciation for the cultures that have helped shape modern society.

Financial Assistance

The Department of Political Science offers an Internship Assistance Award to political science, international studies, and law & constitutional studies majors. This award can be used for internships or study abroad. There are three rounds of award decisions per academic year: December 1st, April 1st, and June 1st.