Classics Book Club

The USU Classics Book Club is open to anyone looking to examine literature that connects to topics relevant to Greco-Roman culture and life while uncovering conversations about modern life. Along with some fine swag, members receive a free copy of the book that the club will read and discuss over the course of their meetings.

Book Club Selections

December 2020: The Storm Before the Storm by Mike Duncan
June 2021: The Swerve by Stephen Greenblatt
December 2021: Circe by Madeline Miller
June 2022: The Battle of the Classics by Eric Adler
December 2022: Flying Snakes and Griffin Claws by Adrienne Mayor
June 2023: The Epic of Gilgamesh by Sophus Helle (trans.)
December 2023 (upcoming): SPQR by Mary Beard


Frances Titchener

Frances Titchener

Distinguished Professor


Office Location: Old Main 310